Thursday, July 22, 2010

Carms Update

We got this NEW flip video and we have this one funny video that i recoded and we had a netball game against the girls we lost but team getting pretty good. YAY maths matters this term its pretty fun doing scale drawing and posters and we have a new boy in our classroom his name is Jack Rouse hes pretty quiet in class and TUWHARTOA festival this term that's going to be fun plus we going to the museum on Monday that might be fun? And Gabriel Izaiah and i are been teaching four of the Noumea boys that are going there and Mr Hayden the Haka. And we designed these avatars they pretty cool and yip that's all !!!


  1. thats cool who ever did that LOL

  2. haha - I wonder who did it????

  3. Hi Room 2.
    It is Room 11 here.
    We think your blog is pretty impressive! We love your photo box! You might have to teach us some stuff - we are pretty new at this!
    Talk to you soon!
    Room 11
