Thursday, July 29, 2010

Shaun's Up Date

This week the boys class had one heck of a week because we had a really nice hangi ,fry bread and the beep test. I'll start with the hangi, we had it on thursday and it was the the nicest hangi we had ever had, the chops were cooked just right. We had to bring the vegetables so yeah. Now the fry bread . I had never tasted it in my life, we put golden syrup and butter on it and they where delicious and it turns out we are pretty good cooks and Carm's mum came in helped us with it. Alright now the beep test, there was a group of us that went first and they did really well the last person to get out was Cam he got 12.8 and thats pretty fast. Now the second group went ,and I was in that group, off we went to a good start when it got up to about 9.3. People got out and I was still in, Ben and Caleb as it reached 10.3 I dropped to the ground and I was puffing. Then Caleb got out but Ben was still going and the beep went off before he crossed the line and he hit the wall and he was stuffed he got 13 .6 that's really fast. It was a great week.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Fry Bread

Today we made Maori Fry Bread as part of Te Mahi Kai (Maori Language Week 2010) it was DELICIOUS! Thanks to Carmel, without you some of our bread would have been pancakes!! We ate it hot dripping with butter and golden syrup...YUM...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Carms Update

We got this NEW flip video and we have this one funny video that i recoded and we had a netball game against the girls we lost but team getting pretty good. YAY maths matters this term its pretty fun doing scale drawing and posters and we have a new boy in our classroom his name is Jack Rouse hes pretty quiet in class and TUWHARTOA festival this term that's going to be fun plus we going to the museum on Monday that might be fun? And Gabriel Izaiah and i are been teaching four of the Noumea boys that are going there and Mr Hayden the Haka. And we designed these avatars they pretty cool and yip that's all !!!