Thursday, March 10, 2011

kaleb's update

This week was AWESOME !!!!

PE nearly everyday man thats fun we played dodgeball for most of the PE session but room 13 was in the hall on thursday so we played turbo touch instead its just as fun, we started that about 2 weeks ago "work hard play hard" is our saying. all the boys in the class are cool as we get along man rugby is fun as when you dont get hammered. tech was fun this week we done pottery and mine started to fall apart. This week was fun.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dylans Update

On 16th of february the boys only class went to GO BUSH we had to walk 12km to camp the first part of the walk was steep. on the way we went and feed the pet eels,when they hear foot steps the swim up to you. We feed them meat so we put it on string and they would swim up and eat it.When we got to camp we were so hot we went for a swim in the river, then we had to put up our tents but the dumb thing was that one group had the wrong poles so they had to use rope to tie it to the trees it looked pretty funny. That night we went eeling one group caught a eel but thats it so we keep our lines out all night and we came back to them in the morning. We all thought that one of our lines were caught on a rock but we had a big eel on it was huge,But we had to keep hitting on the head, one of the lines had a trout on it,it was a good size to.The best part was doing the hangi and it was so nice.But over all it was so fun.